Marine Current Turbines, a client of Taylor Keogh since 2005, continues to lead the way in developing tidal stream energy on a commercial basis. Ranked as the world’s top tidal energy company in The Guardian/Clean Tech Global 100 Survey (2009), the company is building on the success of its SeaGen project in Northern Ireland’s Strangford Lough.
In September, it announced an agreement with ESB International to develop an initial phase of a 100MW tidal energy project off the Antrim coast in Northern Ireland, and the company will shortly submit a planning application to deploy a 10MW tidal farm in waters off Anglesey, in partnership with RWE npower renewables. In March 2010, MCT secured approval for a lease from The Crown Estate to deploy its SeaGen technology off Brough Ness, on the southern most tip of the Orkney Islands. The company plans to have its first phase of SeaGen tidal turbines deployed there during 2017 with the whole scheme operational by 2020.
SeaGen was deployed in Strangford Lough in April 2008; it has the capacity to generate power for the equivalent of about 1500 homes. It works in principle much like an “underwater windmill” with the rotors driven by the power of the tidal currents rather than the wind. SeaGen is accredited by OFGEM as a UK power station and so is a recipient of Renewable Obligation Certificates.