On a visit to Northern Ireland’s Strangford Lough, Lord Hunt of Kings Heath, the UK’s Energy Minister, today congratulated Marine Current Turbines (MCT) on its achievements to design, deploy and operate its SeaGen tidal current energy system.
SeaGen is the largest grid-connected marine renewable energy system in the world and which last month exceeded 1000 hours of commercial operation. SeaGen is the first tidal current energy system in the world to have achieved this milestone. The 1.2MW tidal current turbine, which was deployed in April 2008, has achieved a capacity factor of 66% and so far delivered more than 800MWh of electricity into the National Grid.
Lord Hunt, who used his visit to launch the Marine Energy Action Plan for UK waters, said “I applaud Marine Current Turbines’ pioneering work with SeaGen. The company’s engineering expertise and determination is to be admired. The success of the SeaGen project shows how British companies, like MCT, with the active support from Government, can harness the massive energy potential that exists in British and overseas waters, and at the same time form the basis of a new and world-class industry for Britain.”
Martin Wright, Managing Director of Marine Current Turbines said: “We are delighted to welcome Lord Hunt to Strangford Lough. The support and encouragement of the UK Government, both in London and Belfast, were instrumental in getting SeaGen deployed. SeaGen is showing that tidal power can be a reality. We hope that SeaGen’s demonstrable success will help to maintain the vital political impetus necessary for Government policy initiatives that are still required to commercialise the technology and ensure that it, together with the rest of the British marine energy sector, makes a long-term contribution to the UK economy. “
“The recent investment in MCT made by global engineering company, Siemens, underlines the commercial potential and engineering quality of our patented SeaGen technology but a significant step change in the financing of marine energy projects will be necessary if we are to deploy the UK’s first tidal array by 2012. SeaGen’s success, coupled with the support of Siemens, Carbon Trust Investments and our other shareholders, puts MCT in a strong position to meet the challenges that lie ahead.”
Siemens Energy’s investment in Marine Current Turbines was announced last month (February 25th 2010). New investment in the company from the Carbon Trust, EDF Energy and other shareholders was secured in December 2009 and February 2010. These two funding rounds totalled £8.5million.
In February 2010, Marine Current Turbines also received £2.7m from the UK Government’s Marine Renewables Proving Fund and administered by the Carbon Trust. This funding stream is being used to support the improvement of SeaGen’s operation and its future installation.
Notes to Editors:
1. Marine Current Turbines Ltd ( is based in Bristol, England. The company was established in 2000 and its principal corporate shareholders include BankInvest, Carbon Trust Investments, EDF Energy, ESB International, Guernsey Electricity, High Tide and Siemens Energy.
2. In September 2009, MCT was ranked the world’s top tidal energy company in The Guardian/Clean Tech Global 100 Survey and in June 2009 won Renewable Energy Developer of the Year in the UK Renewable Energy Association Annual Awards.
3. MCT’s 1.2MW SeaGen was deployed in Northern Ireland’s Strangford Lough in April 2008; it has the capacity to generate power for the equivalent of about 1500 homes. It works in principle much like an “underwater windmill” with the rotors driven by the power of the tidal currents rather than the wind. The SeaGen turbine is subject to a rigorous monitoring programme imposed under its licensing conditions to ensure it does not threaten the marine life of Strangford Lough where it is located.
4. SeaGen is accredited by OFGEM as a UK power station and so is a recipient of Renewable Obligation Certificates (ROCs).
5. Since February 2008, MCT has partnered RWE npower renewables on plans to develop a 10MW tidal farm in waters off Anglesey, north Wales and is working with Minas Bay Pulp & Paper to deploy a single SeaGen system in Canada’s Bay of Fundy.