The Wright brother's historic flight in December 1903 was a defining moment for the aviation industry.Northern winds blowing in off the Atlantic provided ideal flying conditions for Orville and Wilbur Wright to glide 20 feet above the beach at Kitty Hawk in North Carolina.
From that humble but well-documented first flight to the commercial take-off of the massive Airbus A380 in October 2007, aviation has evolved from an amateur curiosity into an essential element of the global economy. Its rapid development over the last century is the model of any aspiring industry, and the Wright brothers themselves have become folk heroes in countless entrepreneurial analogies.
"Entrepreneurs are not as common as you would think," says Martin Wright, who is coincidently not a relation of Orville and Wilbur. "If you blow them away, don't think they'll come back." Wright is the current managing director of Bristol-based Marine Current Turbines in the UK.
He is increasingly concerned that the lack of capital available to the nascent marine energy sector as a result of the economic downturn will not only delay, but might even suffocate the development of wave and tidal technologies for an entire generation.
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This article appeared in Infrastructure Journal